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2021-09-29 Conda Community Meeting


NameInitialsAffiliationGH Username
Cheng H. LeeCHLAnaconda/CF@chenghlee
Filipe FernandesFFconda-forge@conda-forge



Standing Items

  • Conda Community website mockups
  • Outreach to invite more organizations to join this meeting

New Agenda Items

  • [CHL] Drafting CEP to add --compat-level option to conda index
    • Resolves issues about older conda versions not understanding ~= MatchSpec operator introduced in conda 4.9.1/conda-build 3.20.5, without completely backing out the changes. (People who don't need backawards compatibility won't need to worry about it.)
    • Should this be --compat-level=4.8 or --compat-level=4.9? (Probably need to do a better job with SemVer)
  • [CHL] Other deprecations/compatibilty concerns to discuss
    • __glibc, __osx virtual packages (conda 4.8)
    • Run constrains (Spec added in conda ???)
    • Replacing MD5 with SHA256 (SHA256 added in conda ???)
    • license_family field; favor SPDX key in licenses
    • track_features, features (new option to deprioritize builds)
    • selectors in general
    • selectors without comments
  • Python 3.10
    • Anaconda, conda-forge working on building packages for RCs

Outstanding Items From the Previous Meeting

Active Votes

Subteam Updates

Open PRs


Action items

Last meeting points