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DRAFT - 2021-01-26 Conda Community Meeting


CJ WrightCJLab49@cj-wright
Cheng H. LeeCHLAnaconda@chenghlee
Ralf GommersRGQuansight@rgommers
Amy WilliamsAWAnaconda@adwilliams81
Eric DillEDDTN@ericdill
Michael GrantMGAnaconda@mcg1969


  • Welcome



Standing Items

  • Anaconda: Organizational-level CLA
    • Anaconda legal team contacted; moving forward with Feb. delivery
  • Conda Community website mockups
  • Blog post regarding why users should update to Python 3
  • Outreach to invite more organizations to join this meeting

New Agenda Items

  • Revisit the meeting schedule. Should we change it to accomodate more people?

    • Maybe a new doodle? -> (CHL) Will put schedule a poll and announce via Slack, email
    • Ideally we should also ask conda-forge to be bi-weekly so we can use the same date and time allowing people attending both to reverse the slot for conda-community and conda-forge.
    • (CHL) Reach out to Intel, IBM to join community calls; (PW) Apple, Netflix; (RG) Pytorch
  • Python Symbol table of conda-forge packages

Outstanding Items From the Previous Meeting

Active Votes

Subteam Updates

Open PRs

  • N/A


Action items

  • Anaconda: update on organizational-level CLA

Last meeting points (2020-1-11)

  • Conda Community website mockups
  • Dropping Python 2 support in conda, conda-build in base environment
  • Should we have a permanent resource (e.g., blog post) saying why users should upgrade?
  • Who else should we invite to this meeting?
    • Intel
    • IBM (POWER, RedHat -> containers)
    • Pangeo
    • CZI
    • MRB: HPC centers
    • Tensorflow, PyTorch, etc.
    • Others, as needed for specific topics