CEP 0 - A short title of the proposal
Title A short title of the proposal
Title A short title of the proposal
Title CEP Purpose and Guidelines
Title Conda Version Support
Title Define the menuinst standard
Title Serving run_exports metadata in conda channels
Title A new recipe format (Part 1)
Title A new recipe format – part 2 - the allowed keys & values
Title Hosting repodata.json and packages separately by adding a base_url property
Title Sharded Repodata
Title Optional Python site-packages path in repodata
Title Migration to the Zulip chat platform
Title Computing the hash of the contents in a directory
Title Add plugin architecture to conda
Title Support for abi3 Python packages
Title Using the Mamba solver in conda
Title Implement initial conda plugin mechanism
Title Add Channel Notices to conda
Title Conda Release Schedule
Title Conda Deprecation Schedule